
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and emotions in words.

Archive for the month “October, 2014”

First day at RIGSS

Pleasant faces greeting the participants, handy men at service to deliver your luggage in the room, refreshment at your entry to the Coronation Hostel of RIGSS. This is how we were welcomed our entry to the much sought Institute- The Royal Institute of Governance and Strategic Studies.

The day started today with the settlement at the hostel. Soon we were taken a bus ride to the Institute where a comprehensive briefing was done by the amiable project coordinator- Mr. Cheewang Rinzin. He is indeed the man behind fulfilling the vision of His Majesty The King for RIGSS. A participant from SELP 2 described him as being the right man for the project and I just saw it proven on the very first day. He is being accompanied by a group of motivated young personnel whose input in the running of the Institute is beyond the call of the day.

The tour of the Institute just showed us why His Majesty the King had a vision for such an Institute. I felt tremendous happiness and lucky to have been one of the chosen candidates amongst the many who have come to attend the course.

A diverse group of people attending the course and I am really looking forward to a much interactive session. Looking forward to all the forums where we will have imminent personalities from within and without to share their knowledge and skills with the participants.

To be honest I came here with an open mind without any expectations. Thought of taking stock of whatever comes my way. I was like ‘take anything new that will be shared to us’. However, after listening to the briefing by the project coordinator, I found so much to look forward to. I can’t seem to wait for the Friday Forum where Professor Kishor Mahbubhani will give his talk. I am indeed dying to go to the Library and get hold of his book, ‘The Great Convergence’. I can’t seem to wait for Dr. Adrian Chan to share his talk on leadership skills. I can’t seem to wait for all the great things that I am going to take from this course and I am sure my colleagues will agree with me on the same note.

Hon’ble member of NC Dasho Tashi Wangyel’s session on the launch of ‘The Military Leaders Strategic Studies’ was another feast to the ear at least for me. It was indeed a great pleasure to have met with all the great officers who have been guarding the security of our Nation. I felt like there is no other better day than this to acknowledge their self less service to the Nation.

More than anything, what I saw everywhere is His Majesty’s quote that ‘What we need is not a Leader to lead the masses. We need leadership of self.’ This quote says everything in a sentence.

A welcome dinner was the most sought after programme of the day- a room for people from all walks of life to connect and get to know each other better.

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