
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and emotions in words.

Archive for the month “November, 2014”

Half A Day That Touched My Heart.

Week Two-Day 2 Morning Presentation on Leadership of the Self by Dasho Karma Tshiteem came out as very beautiful and powerful one. Every topic during the entire course of the presentation had me reflecting on my own self as a person and in the capacity of a leader. Some of the video clips Dasho most generously illustrated touched my heart so much so that I decided to use those clips as my daily mantra.

Even though I had taken up a comprehensive course on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People way back in 2009, the way Dasho did his presentation served not only as a very good reminder of my own personal values but made me connect with our own Bhutanese values and systems as a whole.

Back then I did not even think what I learned would tantamount to being the very qualities of the leadership of the self. Over the time since 2009, I deliberately and consciously tried to put into practice some of the key seven habits into my daily life both at work front and in personal life. The deliberate usage of these seven habits not only taught me to balance my work and family life I have also been taught to deal with daily issues with positive attitude and outlooks.

Today’s presentation by Dasho came as a fresh reminder to predominantly focus on these key habits and have myself transformed on a daily basis in all walks of life.

As an outcome of this presentation, I have rediscovered myself in and through the designing my Mission Statement. Through this exercise I have not only revisited the foundations of my own values but I also got more clarity into ‘What I want to Do’ and ‘What I want to Be’ besides rediscovering the values and principles upon which my life is based on.

In the process of doing the Mission Statement Exercise, I discovered that My life’s journey is all about being a good human being besides being a great mother, wife, sister, sibling and a very intelligent, spiritual and brave citizen of my country with a spirit of innovation, creativity and enterprise. At the end of the day I would like to see myself as a contended and accomplished person. I will be a person who is remembered as someone who gave myself unconditionally for a cause to my family, friends and my nation. And off course the following stood out as something I would really strive to achieve over the course of my life:

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
• Humility
• Humbleness
• Creativity
• Innovation
• Spiritualism
• Intelligence
• bravery
I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
• mindfulness
• compassion
• love
• empathy

Today I name Dasho Karma Tshiteem as that one person who has impacted me positively and it is only natural that I extend my heartfelt gratitude to him for his insight and sharing that with us in a way that could have us connected.

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