
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and emotions in words.

Archive for the month “April, 2015”

A Gratitude Lesson from the September 18 Earthquake

A Gratitude Lesson from the September 18 Earthquake.

A Gratitude Lesson from the September 18 Earthquake


The earthquake that jolted Bhutan on 18th September 2011 is a good reminder for all of us that life is very uncertain and anytime anywhere anything can happen. Judging by the way people were frantically running about in the streets and open spaces to seek safety made me think if we are prepared for any disaster at the individual level. This is also a reminder for the construction people that we need quality structures with earthquake resilient features included.

This earthquake claimed many lives across India, Nepal and Bhutan. In Bhutan only more than 4000 structural damages are reported including houses, schools, BHUs and Lhakhangs with Haa Dzongkhag being the worst hit. Many people are still living in makeshift houses and tents out in the cold yet they are fortunate that they are alive. There are people who are mourning the death of their loved ones, there are peopleā€¦

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