
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and emotions in words.

Archive for the month “November, 2017”

Nuchu’s 5th Born Day

Its Nuchu’s Born Day today. He turns 5 today. Over  the last 4 years Nuchu has given meaning to my life. 

Thank you my boy for making me bawled over in love with you. 

Thank you for proving that the cliche ‘love at first sight’ can actually happen. 

Thank you for teaching me what it means to be giving and receiving unconditional love. Till then I had only read in romantic novels and love stories. 

Thank you for all the joys, laughters, happiness, and fun we had together. 

Thank you for being that shoulder for me to cry on when we watched sad dog movies together. Remember how we cried holding on to each other while watching ‘Hearty Paws’ and ‘Hachi ko’? And many other movies where your kind played the key roles.

Thank you for being the listening ears when I was going through some difficult times in my life. 

Thank you for being my walking partner when I needed some fresh open air in the woods. It was so much fun and never tiring even if I had to walk the entire Thimphu with you.

Thank you for always welcoming me whenever I came home tired from work. 

Thank you for being that pillow when ever i needed one to rest my head on. 

You are such a source of joy and happiness. 

I love you my boy. Nobody will ever be able to replace you. I hope you understand why I had to leave you. Sometimes I feel I have made the biggesr mistakes of my life for going away from you but I know you do understand and you want me to do well and come back home successfully. 

Wait for me my boy. We shall meet again. Till then with my heart in my mouth I pray you live happily in the company of your new parents and family members. I know you are in safe hands and it makes my life a bit easier to live in a foreign land.

Happy birthday my bubu. I miss you so much that words cannot express the gravity of my feelings. 

The only solace I have is that you got a mother now who will probably love you more than me and who will never leave you. made with @videoshowapp

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