
Spontaneous expression of thoughts and emotions in words.

Some causes of stressful situation that people should be aware of while in a foreign land

Stress image

(Photo Courtesy: Dr. Marvin Marshall’s ‘Without Stress’)

A few days back, a 41 year old Bhutanese man is known to have committed suicide in Perth, Western Australia. I don’t know anything about the incidence and what prompted the guy to commit such dreadful act.  What is alarming is the reaction of the people on social media. Some people thought he was too weak and a complete loser and some thought he committed a sin while many empathized with the family members who were left behind.

I was like ‘one never know what his life was like and what he was going through. If he took such a big step he must have reached to a level where he couldn’t take it any more which most probably could have led to that ultimate fateful night where he had to take his own life.’ Seriously, we the people are so fast to pass judgment and conclude things without even knowing a wee bit of the person’s emotional, mental, physical and financial state. And at a time like this, all we can do is pray for his soul to rest in peace and pray for strength for the surviving family members to take the situation in their stride. It is a very difficult time and the least we can do is to stop passing judgment.

Having said this what prompted me to write this blog is to create some awareness to our fellow countrymen (I do know there are many aspiring to come to the other side of the world) about the expected and variable causes of a stressful situation that one might come across in a foreign land depending upon individual’s resilience and adaptability to the situation.

Following are some of the major reasons for a stressful situation:

  1. University life coupled with work (not able to balance Uni and work)
  2. Work factor
  3. Relationship issues (some couples stay separately)
  4. Addiction to alcohol and gambling especially Crown Casino.
  5. Addiction to party life
  6. Lack of time management
  7. Financial stress (Not being able to make the required fee payment)
  8. Emotional contacts back home with either parents or a close person
  9. Loneliness especially if one is reserved and not an out-going person
  10. Health issues which ultimately affect all other aspects of life
  11. Lack of good friendships
  12. Lack of coping mechanism

Interesting work is a huge factor for a stressful situation. For a beginner, not finding one leads to stress and then as one advances it is either the over work or having to manage work at odd hours that leads to stress. Or it can even be not finding the right kind of work. I have met a couple of people who confided in me about their stressful situation and not being able to manage it. Most cases were related to academic issues and work issues. In the former case people were not able to manage the timely completion of the assignments and in the later case people were not able to find a proper job that would ensure their survival in the foreign land. The combination can be very dreadful and may lead to anxiety and depression.

However, let me also say that there are a number of Bhutanese who are doing very well. Some of our colleagues who are on permanent residency (PR) visas are running business as in Consultancy firms, Hotel, installation of solar lighting system, renting houses, mobile restaurant and some even sell home made food from home on either pick up or delivery service basis  (Few that I know as of now). Some of our fellow men who are not on PR but very innovative have started cleaning business which not only keeps them busy but also employs other Bhutanese people. Many go through one or more of the stressful situation that I have mentioned above but they rise above every difficult situation proving the resilience of the Bhutanese people.

But not all people can handle every situation in the same manner and this is one reason why I write this piece because every life is precious and I want every fellow Bhutanese to come mentally, emotionally and physically prepared if they decide to explore the other side of the world.




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